
Use library computers (Chicago campus)


Computers are available for UIC students, faculty, and staff at both Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago.

Computers for students, faculty and staff

Most library computers are for students, faculty and staff.

  • Use your netID and password to log in.
  • You can print from these computers: learn more about our Wepa print stations.

Express catalog computers

Express catalog computers are available to everyone, on all floors of the Daley Library, to find call numbers, books, or to request a guest wireless account. Printing, general web browsing and email are not available on these computers.

Computers for visitor research

As of Fall 2023, computers for walk-up visitor use are currently unavailable but are under development.

Visitors can access library databases while on campus in one of two ways:

  1. If you are able to bring both a laptop and a cell phone with you to campus, you can request guest access to UIC wifi at this link: Once you have guest wifi access, you will be able to access library databases while you are on campus.
  2. If you  are unable to bring both a laptop and cell phone to campus, you can still gain access to library databases while on campus by making an appointment with us. Please request an appointment at this link:

To print, you must have a USB flash drive. Save the files you want to print and bring the USB to a Wepa Print Station. (You must set up an account with a credit card and agree to the Wepa terms of use.)


  • updated: Apr 02, 2024
  • views: 1820

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