
Access Business and Professional People for the Public Interest (BPI) archives


The records of the Business and Professional People for the Public Interest are unprocessed and have special considerations for access as outlined by the donor agreement:

Because of the legal nature of this material, the donor or the donor’s appointed executor will separate and mark ‘Attorney-client communications.’  In order to have access to or to quote from these materials, permission must be received in writing from the donor or executor.  This restriction will expire on January 1, 2035 (fifty years from last date of creation).  The attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, and it is the responsibility of the donor or executor to obtain the necessary and appropriate waivers of the attorney-client privilege prior to donating the collection to the library.  

To comply with the donors' wishes, we require that all researchers apply for permission to access the records by sending an email to Alexander Polikoff, who may be contacted via the BPI website. You should specifically identify the material you wish to use in your email to him. To aid you in identifying that material, here is a PDF version of an inventory list for the BPI accession number 79-7.

Assuming you receive permission to view the selected material, please send a copy of the letter of permission to us, and let us know at least two weeks in advance when you would like to come to the library so that we may retrieve the approved material from our off-site storage facility.


  • updated: Dec 18, 2023
  • views: 71

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